3 to 11 July 1968 – Open Week

The celebration of the 55th birthday of the Royal Netherlands Air Force was spread out over 8 consecutive days. The base was open for public every day from 9:30 until 16:30. On Sunday, the base was closed. Due to budget cuts, the airshow was less exuberant than in earlier years. A big advantage of a multiple day event was the amount of aircraft just coming over for a visit and even static aircraft that were replaced during the week.

Although the majority of the aircraft were from the Royal Netherlands Air Force, there were also several other air forces that send over many airplanes. The Belgian Air Force was present with six different F-104s, five F-84s and four CM-170s, the (West) German Air Force with F-104s, T-33s, a Noratlas and lots of G-91s. The USAF send C-130s, a C-131, F-4Ds and one RF-4C. The Royal Air Force participated with no less than nine different Canberras. The Royal Norwegian Air Force had a F-5 Freedom Fighter on the static. This gave the Dutch audience a chance to see the newest asset of the Royal Netherlands Air Force.

All pictures by Nederlands Instituut voor Militaire Historie

See the participating aircraft in the Movements database.

Volkskrant, 2 July 1968
Tubantia, 3 July 1968
Volkskrant, 5 July 1968
Trouw, 5 July 1968