Soesterberg AB Movements


Your query: [Start date = 1993-11-05];
Below are your query results.
A camera-icon in the first column indicates there is at least 1 photo available from that event. You can click on that line to open the corresponding photo in a new tab.

Results movements database
7142005-11-1993Cessna 172CivilPH-ASYunknown
7142105-11-1993Cessna 500CivilPH-CTFKLM School
7142205-11-1993F-16A Fighting FalconRNLAFJ-212323 Sqn
7142305-11-1993Fokker F27-100 FriendshipRNLAFC-3334 SqnNAF25
7142405-11-1993A-10A Thunderbolt IIUSAF81-096581 FW, 510 FSArco01
7142505-11-1993A-10A Thunderbolt IIUSAF82-064681 FW, 510 FSArco02
8523005-11-1993F-15A EagleUSAF77-08732 FSDeparture 32 FS, but returned after problems at the UK coast. Left again on 2 december 1993, but again RTB. Final departure on 16 december.
7142605-11-1993F-15A EagleUSAF77-11032 FSDeparture 32 FS
7142705-11-1993F-15A EagleUSAF77-12432 FSDeparture 32 FS
7142805-11-1993F-16C Fighting FalconUSAFSP 90-082752 FW, 480 FSBull05
7142905-11-1993F-16C Fighting FalconUSAFSP 90-082852 FW, 480 FSBull02
7143005-11-1993F-16C Fighting FalconUSAFSP 91-034252 FW, 480 FSBull03
7143105-11-1993F-16C Fighting FalconUSAFSP 91-034352 FW, 480 FSBull04
7143205-11-1993F-16C Fighting FalconUSAFSP 91-034452 FW, 480 FSBull01