F-102A 56-1044
Delivered to the 32nd at Wheelus AB, Lybia, on 23 August 1960.
Arrived at Soesterberg AB on 19 December 1960.
On 13 april 1961 the aircraft collided with a Dutch Hunter FMk6 from 326 Sqn (N-260) during a night interception flight. The Hunter crashed, killing the pilot. The F-102 landed safely with a damaged left wing.
Read the Official Accident Report
Left the 32nd on 12 July 1963 to the 525th FIS at Bitburg AB, Germany.
From 1967 to 1969 in service with the North Dakota ANG 178th FIS. Later moved to the Texas ANG 111th FIS/147th FIG, Ellington ANGB, TX.
To MASDC as FJ313 on 28 August 1974.
Sold to Sperry Flight Systems, Litchfield Park, AZ on 26 September 1979. Converted to QF-102A. To ADWC, Tyndall AFB, FL. Converted to PQM-102B (757). Crashed on 8 July 1980 at Nellis AFB, NV.