F-102A 56-1042
Delivered to the 32nd at Wheelus AB, Lybia, on 7 September 1960.
Arrived at Soesterberg AB on 17 December 1960.
Left the 32nd on 8 May 1964 to the 525th FIS at Bitburg AB, Germany.
Afterwards served with the North Dakota ANG 178th FIS and Texas ANG 111th FIS/147th FIG, Ellington ANGB, TX.
To MASDC as FJ273 5 June 1974.
Sold to Sperry Flight Systems, Litchfield Park, AZ on 2 April 1980. Converted to PQM-102B (781).
Was shot down on 15 April 1982 over the Gulf of Mexico in a missile test flight from Tyndall AFB, FL.