14 November 1957 – F-100C
On 14 November 1957 a 32nd F-100C, with serial number 54-2016 crashed on military barracks in the city of Bussum.
The aircraft was part of a three-ship F-100s that took off from Soesterberg AB around noon. Not long after departure pilot Lt. Resk M. Mohamed observed smoke in the cockpit. He immediately returned to Soesterberg AB. He missed the first approach at Soesterberg because the smoke limited his sight on the runway. He decided to make a turn to try it again. At that moment there were already flames in the cockpit. His turn brought him over the town of Hilversum. The situation in the cockpit became unbearable so Lt. Mohamed decided to use his ejection seat. The plane flew another few miles before crashing on barracks of the Dutch Army in Bussum.
Lt. Mohamed landed on a rooftop in Hilversum and had only a few bruises as a result of colliding with a chimney. The situatie on the ground was severe. Due to the crash five Dutch soldiers in the barracks were killed and a further 15 injured.
This was the third accident Lt. Mohamed was involved in during his stay as a F-100 pilot of the 32nd.
His first accident was on 1 October 1956 when he had to bail out his F-100 near the city of Oosterhout. His second accident was on 18 October 1957 when Lt. Mohamed jumped out of his F-100 above the IJsselmeer.
Read the Official Accident Report `Andere tijden´ article with small v
ideo footage from this accident